Friday, January 27, 2012

Kindle Reading

Well, on Christmas Eve, I joined the many others who are reading books via an e-reader.  My hubby bought me a Kindle Touch for Christmas.  I wasted no time going to Amazon and downloading a lot of free books.

I like reading via my Kindle but I also like reading the 'old' way...a book!  :-)  It will be nice to have my Kindle for when I am in between library books.  I seem to go back and forth...Kindle/library book/Kindle/library book and yes I do know you can rent books from the library onto your Kindle but not all titles are available at my library. :-)

I have started, once again, keeping track of the books I have read and I am trying to see if I can read 50 books this year.  That's about one book a week.  So far, so good :-)

The first book I read this year was "Coming Home, Whitetail, Minn. Series" by Julie Sellers.

Here is a description from Amazon.com.

When Lillian's husband learns he's the cause of their infertility, he's gone before morning. Lillie does what any self-respecting woman would do, she turns to Ben and Jerry's and refuses to leave the house. Eventually, she has to venture out to replenish her supply of Phish Food, and runs into her mother-in-law, struggling with the care of her special needs niece.

Ashamed by her self-indulgent behavior, Lillie finds strength she didn't know she had to create the family she'd always wanted. Later when Jonathan returns, Lillie hopes to find the closure she lacked from his speedy departure. But instead, he needs a favor and Lillie's the only one who can help. She knows the best thing to do is to forget the past and put her crumbled marriage behind her...or is it?

Sometimes coming home, isn't to a place on the map...but a place in your heart.

This is a full length novel of approximately 72,000 words or 288 pages.
Hope you enjoy it!

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